[EVENTS] Royal Rainmaking Operation

Published by Kanin Pornsinsiriruk on

Royal Rainmaking Operation
IVAO HQ Special Operations Department presents Royal Rainmaking Operation.


Event date: Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Event time: 0315z – 0530z

The upper central regions in Thailand are facing drought at the start of the Agricultural Season, so the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation is called in to support!

Bring your friends and turboprop aircraft to fly in formation and release prepared compounds in the atmosphere to turn humidity into rain for the farmers in need.

Teams of 2 or more turboprops will depart from one of two operation bases and proceed to the target area as a formation and fly tracks around the area at assigned altitude as technicians in the back empty chemical powder bags out the door. Challenge yourself staying in formation in below VMC conditions as you steer around and through the puffy clouds!

Once complete, formations will return to the origin or the other base and may do a formation flyby for a group photo!

This airport will be open from 0315UTC and 0530UTC.


Registration is mandatory, do it here.
Fly this event and earn 2 points for the Jet Fighter Award!



To give ATC on this event. Book at https://atc.ivao.aero/
Participate as an ATC to earn 2 points for the SO ATC Award!

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