[Tour] Thailand VFR Tour 2018: North to South
Thailand Division VFR Tour 2018: North to South
Report Filght via MODA System here
Type of aircraft: Single Engine Prop, Turboprop and Multi Engine Prop
- Use single/twin/three propeller, piston/turboprop, fixed wing aircraft that does not exceed the maximum takeoff weight of 17,120lbs/7.764kgs), for example C172 C182T DA40 DA42
- Type of flight: VFR
- Include as remark in your flight plan “RMK/THAI VFR18 LEGxx” (replace ‘xx’ with the leg number) is MANDATORY.
- Completed flights must be reported within 7 days after the flight.
- Max Speed: 250 KIAS
- Maximum flying altitude should be based on surrounding terrain, but should not exceed 9500ft AGL
- Maximum legs per day: 5
- Remember to report legs in UTC time.
- A maximum disconnection of 20 minutes will be accepted
- When flying in uncontrolled airspace, communicate your intentions on UNICOM (122.800)
- All the legs MUST be flown online, using “real weather”, in realtime mode (1x sim rate).
- All the legs MUST be flown in the right order
- Please pay attention to your flight plans. Flight plans with wrong departure/arrival airfields will NOT be accepted
- Your flight plan must include at least one real alternate arrival airport. ZZZZ as an alternate will NOT be accepted.
- Aircraft must be stationary while online for a minimum of 6 minutes before departure and after arrival
Tour end date : 31 JAN 2019
- VTCH-VTCT 114nm
- VTCT-VTCN 85nm
- VTCN-VTCP 53nm
- VTCP-VTPP 81nm
- VTPP-VTUL 91nm
- VTUL-VTUD 61nm
- VTUD-VTUI 77nm
- VTUI-VTUV 67nm
- VTUV-VTUK 60nm
- VTUK-VTUO 79nm
- VTUO-VTUN 69nm
- VTUN-VTBW 71nm
- VTBW-VTBO 89nm
- VTBO-VTBU 80nm
- VTBU-VTBT 33nm
- VTBT-VTBI 56nm
- VTBI-VTBL 63nm
- VTBL-VTBK 63nm
- VTBK-VTPH 88nm
- VTPH-VTSE 120nm
- VTSE-VTSM 81nm
- VTSM-VTSP 135nm
- VTSP-VTST 85nm
- VTST-VTSS 57nm